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Listen before you speak! Read right, write right...

Friday 24 March 2017


          Proverbs embody the truth and carry the message in our daily conversation. Their brevity, the teaching they give, which ranges from general truths and advice, warning and comments they offer on human experience.
           I have compiled 30 English proverbs for you to learn them and make use of them in your day-to-day conversation:

1. A bad workman blames his tools. 
Meaning: A lazy person will always find an excuse for his failure.

2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Meaning: It is better to keep what you have rather than to risk losing it by searching for something better.

3. A book holds a house of gold.
Meaning: There is wealth of knowledge in books.

4. A burnt child dreads fire.
Meaning: A bad experience will make people stay away from certain things.

5. A foreseen danger is half avoided.
Meaning: If you’re prepared to face a problem or difficulty, it will be easier to deal with.

6. A day of sorrow is longer than a month of joy.
Meaning: Time goes by very quickly when you’re happy and very slowly when you’re sad.

7. A drop of ink may make a million think.
Meaning: A thought expressed in writing (perhaps published in a newspaper) can influence a large number of people.

8. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Meaning: Different people have different tastes.

9. Better you drink the milk than eat the cow.
Meaning: Be careful not to destroy your source of income.

10. The die is cast.
Meaning: A decision is made and it is impossible to change it.

11. Discretion is the better part of valour.
Meaning: It is useless to take unnecessary risks.

12. Distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Meaning: When you’re separated from the person you love, the feelings are even stronger.

13. Every man for himself.
Meaning: You must think of your own interests before the interests of other.

14. Every path has its puddle.
Meaning: Progress is rarely without difficulty.

15. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
Meaning: One should learn from one’s mistakes.

16. Haste makes waste.
Meaning: If something is done too quickly, it may be done carelessly and need to be redone.

17. He who hesitates is lost.
Meaning: If you delay your decision too long, you may miss a good opportunity.

18. Never say die.
Meaning: Never give up.

19. No rain, No grain.
Meaning: Without rain, the harvest will be poor.

20. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Meaning: The real value of something can be judged only after it has been tried and tested.

21. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Meaning: If you don’t punish a child when he does wrong, you will spoil his character.

22. Speech is silver, silence is golden.
Meaning: Speaking is good but discretion can be better.

23. A stitch in time saves nine.
Meaning: It is better to deal with a problem at an early stage so as to prevent it from getting worse.

24. What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.
Meaning: If a person doesn’t know about something, he cannot be hurt.

25. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Meaning: If you are determined to do something, you will find a way to do it.

26. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
Meaning: If you help me, I will help you.

27. You can’t teach an old dog new trick.
Meaning: A person who is used to doing things a certain way cannot change.

28. Young idler, an old beggar.
Meaning: If you don’t work when you’re young, you won’t have any money when you are old.

29. Two wrongs don’t make a cloud.
Meaning: It is wrong to harm someone because they’ve harmed you.

30. A broken friendship may be soldered but will never be sound.
Meaning: Friendship can be rebuilt after a dispute but will never be as strong as before.


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